• Career with Us

    Shaping your dream career needs dedication, hard work and support. We are there for sure to support you in any way to help you shape your career. We are committed to the society to make the college as one the premier Institute in the region in terms of quality education.

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  • Why Engineering?

    There will always be a demand for skilled engineers in many different fields for 500 years. As society develops and improves, engineers are called upon to make these changes to create a better, sustainable world to live in.

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  • Why JEMC?

    Greater infrastructure
    Pool of quality faculties
    Well furnished laboratories with all facilities
    Digital library for e-learning
    Industrial training
    Pre placement grooming
    100% placement assistance

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  • Career with Us

    Shaping your dream career needs dedication, hard work and support. We are there for sure to support you in any way to help you shape your career. We are committed to the society to make the college as one the premier Institute in the region in terms of quality education.

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  • Why Engineering?

    There will always be a demand for skilled engineers in many different fields for 500 years. As society develops and improves, engineers are called upon to make these changes to create a better, sustainable world to live in.

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Basic Science and Humanities

The Department of Basic Science & Humanities was established in the year 2015 in JLDEMC. The department teaches the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English of all discipline in the B. Tech. programs. The main object of the department is to train the students to excel in Mathematical thinking, logical reasoning, understand the basis of physics and chemistry and develop the communication skills which is required for a budding engineer, to compete and contribute to Industry and Research. The department has adequate well qualified and experienced full time faculty members as per AICTE norms. Four faculty members of this department having doctoral degree and all the faculty members are actively engaged in research along with teaching activity.



The Department of Mathematics, the basic necessity of all branches of engineering forms the foundation for any Engineering discipline. This department not only provides basic education but also help students to understand the significance of application and logical thinking. The department has highly educated, experienced and efficient faculty members. The subjects taught by the department includes – Differential, Integral, Vector calculus, Mean value theorem, Matrix Algebra, Partial and successive differentiation, Complex Analysis, Numerical analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Laplace, Fourier and Z-Transforms, Optimization Methods, Probability Theory and Graph theory. The department provides special attention and extra coaching to those who require it.



The Department of Physics seeks to provide students with an understanding of the major concepts and a competence with the methods which is used in different fields of engineering and technology. The faculty members of Physics are well qualified, experienced and actively involved in research on various fields. They have published books, and research articles in reputed international journals regularly. The department has very good infrastructure consisting of well equipped two physics labs with latest type of instruments.


Department Gallery

Physics Lab1

  • Travelling microscopes
  • Searle apparatus for the measurement of conductivity of a good conductor
  • Lee’s Disc apparatus
  • Apparatus for the measurement of rigidity modulus
  • Carey-Foster bridges with resistance boxes, constant dc source, digital galvanometer
  • Screw gauges and Slide calipers, stop watch, stop clocks
  • Apparatus for the measurement of coefficient of viscosity of water
  • Dark room for optical experiments
  • Spectrometer, grating
  • Computer Network
  • LASER sources and LASER detectors
  • Optical Spectrometers
  • Sodium vapour lamps
  • 60 degree prisms, biprism and plane transmission grating
  • Compact setup of Newton's ring experiment
  • Optical bench with lens stand, biprism stand and eyepiece stand
  • Discharge tubes (hydrogen, helium, neon) with necessary voltage transformer

Physics Lab2

  • Setup kits for Stefan's Constant measurement
  • Setup kits for energy band gap measurement
  • Setup kits for Photovoltaic solar cell characteristics
  • Setup kits for Planck's constant measurement
  • Ballistic galvanometers with lamp & scale arrangement
  • Potentiometer, DC Power supply, Resistance boxes
  • Digital nanoammeters
  • Setup kits for Dielectric constant measurement
  • Setup kits for thermoelectric power measurement
  • Copper-constantan thermocouples


The main object of Chemistry in the academic programs is to give the students a basic subject knowledge which is essential for understanding the physio-chemical processes and the chemical nature of materials, used in engineering and technology. The Department consists of highly qualified, experienced and dynamic faculty members with specialization like Organic Chemistry, Environmental Science, Polymer Science, Electrochemistry and others. The department offered one spacious laboratory with well equipped sophisticated instruments.


Chemistry Lab

  • Glass apparatus and necessary equipments
  • Incubators
  • Digital pan balances
  • Heating arrangement with Bunsen burners
  • Organic and inorganic reagents
  • Digital conductivity meters
  • Digital PH Meters



The department of Humanities offers teaching English language, Technical Communication and Management related subjects. The department has the primary mandate of quality teaching, enhancing students learning ability, development of personality with a thrust on communication skills and humanitarian values of life.
The department has very strong, dedicated and qualified faculty members to help students become better communicators by teaching them not only to gain control over their stage fear and gain confidence, but also master of four skills- Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The team also handles Pronunciation, Vocabulary enhancement, error detection and correction and teaching grammar through interactive methods. The department has an air conditioned Language lab set up with the purpose of giving students the opportunity of improving their skills. The students are also trained for Placement by the Department.


Language Lab

  • Wireless Interactive, Software Integrated Learning Environment with 40 users
  • Wireless Microphone
  • Headsets, Speakers
  • Desktop Computers
  • Instructors Microphone to all Users Headset
  • Computer audio to all Users Headset
  • Learn to speak English deluxe 10 software



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