Toll free helpline: 1800-180-5522
1. Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or a junior student.
2. Indulging in a rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student. 3. Asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.
Any act resulting in:
Mr. Sushanta Das | JLDEMC Governing Body Member / Trustee, JIBS Educational Trust | 9874849408 | jldemc.director@gmail.com |
Dr. Chandan Datta | Principal | 9051076189 | jldemc.principal11@gmail.com |
Mr. Srinkhal Halder | Administrative Officer, JLD Group | 8697841571 | srinkhal.h@gmail.com |
Mr. Souvik Roy | O.I.C / Asst. Professor | 8240845134 | souvikroy143@gmail.com |
Ms. Moupia Sarkar | Asst. Professor / H.O.D of EE | 8013058883 | jldemc.ee.hod@gmail.com |
Ms. Azra Akil | Nominee from Students | (033)24816491 | jldemc.cityoffice@gmail.com |
Mr. Madhusudan Pramanik | Nominee from Students | (033)24816491 | jldemc.cityoffice@gmail.com |
Nominee from Baruipur P.S | Nominee from Baruipur P.S | (033)24338222 | ------------------ |
Nominee from Begampur G.P | Nominee from Begampur G.P | ------------------ | ------------------ |
Mr. Rabi Ranjan Mukherjee | Asst. Professor | 9674946720 | mukherjee.rabi6@gmail.com |
Mr. Sandip Mahato | Asst. Professor | 8293505105 | sandipmahato1991@gmail.com |
Mr. Samaresh Majumder | Asst. Accountant | 9831050756 | samaresh@gmail.com |
Mr. Samir Das | Security Personal | 9163290581 | jldemc.cityoffice@gmail.com |
Mr. Animesh Patra | Nominee from Students | (033)24816491 | jldemc.director@gmail.com |